What a neat town. It was not near the size I thought it would be and was pretty easy to get around once you got your bearings straight.
Stephen, myself and his parents went there a few weeks ago for a family wedding. His cousin Mark got married to a sweet girl named Caroline. It was a beautiful wedding and we are glad we were able to attend. I got a chance to meet a lot of the cousins that Stephen grew up with that were not able to make it to our wedding. It was also great to catch up with the ones that I have met before.
Another cool thing we got to do while we were there was go the Austin Musuem of Art. It was really neat to see pieces of work done by what I consider “the greats” – Picasso, Monet, Degas, Matisse, van Gogh, Gauguin, and Delacroix. And of course my favorite was Degas. I have always admired his work, mainly because he worked a lot in pastels and those are really my favorite medium when I take the time to sit down and draw. It also really made me miss school and I caught myself craving that artistic outlet that I used to be able to suffice when in school. I have a few painted pieces planned for the nursery, but nothing real creative. I can’t wait to teach our children art and help them understand and appreciate its importance in our world.
Check out the slideshow pictures from the trip.
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