Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Belly movements

According to my weekly update, she should weigh around 1 pound by now. Just think, a year from now, who knows a/b how much she will weigh - it is hard to think about.

People say to pay attention to when she is active because that can indicate her sleep/wake patterns when she is born. Well, right now, her busiest time is between 8pm-9:30. (I swear she is having a party in there) I keep trying to get Stephen to feel her kick and this past week he has been able to. Here is the really cool part.

I was laying in bed and Stephen was in the other room, she was kicking like crazy. I happen to look down and could see my stomach move everytime she kicked. So I scream "Stephen! Stephen! Hurry!" He comes walking back to the bedroom, unalarmed b/c usually when i call for him like that lately it is for him to feel her move and he was starting to lose hope and had almost resorted to the fact that she was real shy to anyone but her mom. He steps in the bedroom with a look across his face like "Why are you calling me back here when you know I'm not going to be able to feel anything." I said "You can literally see my belly move."
His immediate response "Nooo Way......, she's not going to do it now b/c you screamed for me and probably startled her" so he crawled in to bed with me proceed to watch her do kickboxing through my skin. It was so cute, he could not keep his eyes off my stomach, at times i thought he was scared to blink b/c he might miss something.

Still no name, but Stephen is finally staring to throw some out there for me to think about. He has two weeks and counting to help me decide on a first name. I already know what I really like, but I want this to be a "we" decision. I want him to be involved in every aspect of her life as much as I am. He has already promised me that he will teach her how to change a flat tire before she is allowed to drive. (He'll have to teach me in the process. I could probably figure it out, but it is better to learn from a perfectionist... maybe)