Monday, December 22, 2008


Last Thursday we had our 34 week appointment (I am a little late at posting this). Not much longer to go! After our doctor was listened to her heartbeat I asked her if she felt Baby Girl had flipped yet. She got excited and kind of got us excited b/c she was hearing her heartbeat a little lower than usual. To double check we hurried in to the ultrasound room with anticipation that she was a studious & intelligent little girl that obeyed her parents….well, she is obviously doing this her way (probably just as her mom or dad would). Right where we thought was a hard little bottom….. was still her big ole noggin!
It was good to be able to see her and to know she had gained a pound since the 32 week ultrasound.

This then led to the discussion of our delivery plan. She has until our next appointment to flip (Jan. 2nd), if she does not flip we are headed for a c-section. At one point Dr. Deed said she would just use my old scar from all of my previous abdominal surgeries. After having 9 months to think about this… and knowing this particular incision had been opened up 5 times, I questioned why she planned on going that route. (Remembering how long it took me to recover from all of those surgeries and a newborn on top of that, not cool. Not to mention the whole short-term disability nazi’s.) Her answer was simply “so I wouldn’t have to put another scar on your belly.”
Well, well, well… My poor stomach already has enough scars at this point – seriously, what is one more in all reality? Does it bum me out? Extremely. Just like every other surgery before- if I don’t have a choice, then I don’t have a choice – if it is for the best then it is for the best. As our pastor reiterated this weekend “God’s grace is sufficient!” Look at what all it has pulled me & Stephen through. So we left it with me thinking it over if I wanted her to do the typical cesarean incision or use my old scar.

Dr. Deed wants to take her early, more around the 38 week mark. She felt that because she is a small baby the longer she cooks the more stress it could put on her the further along we get. Even though we won’t get the “Honey, its time…” moment I would much rather go this road.

I am getting more apprehensive but it is peaceful to know that we will soon be able to meet our little angel. Either way, she will be making her arrival either the week of January 12th or January 19th. No February baby after all.

Now that we are at 35 weeks, our fruit comparison is the size of a honeydew! HA!

(Pictures are from my company's christmas party... as you can tell, I was exhausted by the end of it... and still had to be responsible for making sure the bill was paid - sorry no real good belly shots.)


Erin said...

Even though you were probably tired by the end of the party, you at least looked beautiful (glowing)!