Monday, December 29, 2008

Merry Christmas

We had a blessed Christmas and hope you did as well!
Stephen & I had about 5 days of just us time and it was real nice… knowing next year (okay, within 2-3 weeks) it is going to be all about Baby Lasseigne. We did not do anything real exciting… well I take that back, we played with our new Wii a lot. Here are a few pictures!

JT opening his stocking.

Yea! My diaper bag!! I LOVE IT!!

Stephen sportin' his own "manly" diaper bag.

Stephen wanted his own diaper bag... so JT listened and got him one for Christmas. Also, Santa brought us our travel system and an extra base. Stephen installed the bases and mirrors and we are set. Next step is to find somewhere we can go to get them checked that they are installed properly.

Stephen assembling the stroller.
Stephen showing off the stroller (and my diaper bag attached)!

I do have to brag on him for a minute..... he gets MAJOR brownie points for this. I decide on a whim... like most pregnant women, right?... that I wanted to go to Silks-A-Bloom for their 50% Christmas sale the day after Christmas. I had an idea of how much of a mad house it could be and tried to prepare him. Stephen jumped right in there, grabbed boxes and stood in line with me for over an hour to check out. I could not believe how cool he was about the whole thing... mind you lots of people were highly impressed that he was out in this mess helping me. I was so proud and can not wait to put up all of my goodies next year... especially when Baby L will get to enjoy them too. THANK YOU AGAIN HONEY!!! YOU ROCK!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Nursing Class

After our OB appointment last Thursday, Stephen & I got to experience nursing class. I would say it was interesting and informative. I will admit I was a little thrown by the fake boob she used to explain things and the anatomically correct baby dolls. I think it was great to have Stephen there so he could get a better understanding of the whole process as well. I will also admit that at times I was embarrassed,-Stephen ...of course, as cool as a cucumber.


Last Thursday we had our 34 week appointment (I am a little late at posting this). Not much longer to go! After our doctor was listened to her heartbeat I asked her if she felt Baby Girl had flipped yet. She got excited and kind of got us excited b/c she was hearing her heartbeat a little lower than usual. To double check we hurried in to the ultrasound room with anticipation that she was a studious & intelligent little girl that obeyed her parents….well, she is obviously doing this her way (probably just as her mom or dad would). Right where we thought was a hard little bottom….. was still her big ole noggin!
It was good to be able to see her and to know she had gained a pound since the 32 week ultrasound.

This then led to the discussion of our delivery plan. She has until our next appointment to flip (Jan. 2nd), if she does not flip we are headed for a c-section. At one point Dr. Deed said she would just use my old scar from all of my previous abdominal surgeries. After having 9 months to think about this… and knowing this particular incision had been opened up 5 times, I questioned why she planned on going that route. (Remembering how long it took me to recover from all of those surgeries and a newborn on top of that, not cool. Not to mention the whole short-term disability nazi’s.) Her answer was simply “so I wouldn’t have to put another scar on your belly.”
Well, well, well… My poor stomach already has enough scars at this point – seriously, what is one more in all reality? Does it bum me out? Extremely. Just like every other surgery before- if I don’t have a choice, then I don’t have a choice – if it is for the best then it is for the best. As our pastor reiterated this weekend “God’s grace is sufficient!” Look at what all it has pulled me & Stephen through. So we left it with me thinking it over if I wanted her to do the typical cesarean incision or use my old scar.

Dr. Deed wants to take her early, more around the 38 week mark. She felt that because she is a small baby the longer she cooks the more stress it could put on her the further along we get. Even though we won’t get the “Honey, its time…” moment I would much rather go this road.

I am getting more apprehensive but it is peaceful to know that we will soon be able to meet our little angel. Either way, she will be making her arrival either the week of January 12th or January 19th. No February baby after all.

Now that we are at 35 weeks, our fruit comparison is the size of a honeydew! HA!

(Pictures are from my company's christmas party... as you can tell, I was exhausted by the end of it... and still had to be responsible for making sure the bill was paid - sorry no real good belly shots.)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

33 weeks - starting to get uncomfortable

I think I have ventured in to the physically uncomfortable portion of pregnancy. Here are a few of the issues:
- Usually by the end of the day my ribs are sore from slouching... she is teaching me a thing or to a/b my posture while at my desk.
- Shall we talk about my swollen foot? It is only my bum foot that swells really bad. I think I am going to just have to shift to tennis shoes only and work will have to get over it... and so will my wardrobe.
- No more regular size meals. If I eat like a normal human being I feel sick afterward, so it is short frequent meals all day.
- It's official, I have reached the "I feel like a cow" part of pregnancy.

Overall we are doing good and I know these are issues everyone deals with, which makes them a little more bearable.

At my 32 week doc appointment she said that ultrasound reported that she was measuring a tiny bit smaller than average. However, she is not real worried about it because I was such a small baby. She is still breach, so we are hoping she will flip in the next couple of weeks. She is moving around frequently and it is getting to where you can see my whole abdomen warp at times. Wierd but amazing.

Over the weekend I accomplished the one goal I wanted to do for the holiday season... just to get the tree up... which took help from mom and Stephen. The rest of the house won't be decorated but o-well. I just know I will not feel like packing it all up in January.

It is neat to imagine that this time next year I will have a 10 month old on my hands during the holiday season. I can't wait. It will be so much fun!

It is the time of the year for holiday parties and Stephen & I wish for everyone to have fun and be careful.

Late thanksgiving wish

I meant to post this last week... sorry.

First, we want to start off by letting everyone know we hope you and your family had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for and blessed with the wonderful friends and family we have in our lives.

We were able to have a nice quaint thanksgiving at our house this year with the Lasseigne family… and Stephen’s cousin Michael was in town for the LSU game (which we won by the way!!! Barely.) – so it was such a treat to have him over to our house.

Stephen fried his first turkey and did an awesome job (I will add a pic soon). I attempted my mom’s famous mashed potatoes for the first time… by myself (while she was visiting Mickey & Minnie in Orlando). That was the only thing I was real nervous about turning out okay. She has no real recipe, so I only called her about 20 times and they still ended up a tad runny.

The next day he got a wild hair to make turkey gumbo from the carcass (that just sounds so icky!) like Jessie Mae & Josie Mae used to do. You can tell he does not cook on real regular basis b/c he did not realize that gumbo takes 6-8 hours to make; it was good and even I ate it!

We spent most of the weekend trying to relax as I enter week 32, the start of the eighth month. Thanksgiving wore me out. I really started to recognize my limits this past weekend. Running errands won’t be the same for the next few months.

JT (the boxer) has started to really recognize that something is about to change. We catch him walking in and out of her room often. I have to wonder why he’s doing it. If only I could speak dog….

Baby Girl is doing great. She is moving around like crazy in my belly. She usually gets the hiccups the same time everyday, around 4:00. I hope she is trying to turn b/c I am starting to feel a lot more movement on my left side. I can’t figure out if is a foot or elbow, more than likely a foot. Also around bedtime, she has been doing (what feels like) rolls. It is weird b/c it seems like I can almost anticipate them coming. I think she takes a nap from about 8am-9:30 am and then again from around 3:00-4:00. Other than that I feel her on a regular basis. There have been a few nights she has woken me up, but not many.