Saturday, March 14, 2009

8 weeks, oh my....

Stella is doing wonderful! She is holding her head up like a champ, beginning to coo/communicate and has started to show us her beautiful smile. Man, when she grins at you, I swear all is right with the world for that very moment - well, and when she falls asleep on your chest. The other day she fell asleep on my shoulder for the first time and it felt great. She has started to take a bottle from her Stephen and I know he just soaks up that time her, it is so sweet to watch.

I wish I had a picture to share with you of how much she is growing but our life has been BEYOND crazy and rather hard to fathom. On Feb. 26th we were "strongly advised" by the city to evacuate our home due to the failure of the rock bluff behind our house. On Feb. 29th we temporarily moved in with my parents and put everything in storage until the next step reveals itself or the wall fails - as its expected to... taking our backyard with it. The structural soundness of our home has been compromised and with a newborn, having the house cave in on itself was not something we were willing to risk. Please pray for God's favor and wisdom throughout this ordeal. The wall will fail, it is not a matter of IF but WHEN. Here is a link to a news story about it.
It would take me a lot longer to explain.

I go back to work on March 23rd and have pretty mixed emotions about it - naturally. I am sure Stella will be just fine. The new mommy in me worries that they will not take as much care of her as I would. I am going to miss her terribly. Also, the thought of getting in to a morning routine kind of stresses me out but I am sure everything will fall in to place. Stella has done a great job at helping teach us how to be good parents.
We love you angel!!!