Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 weeks!! Where on earth did they go?

<---- Stella is about 4 weeks old in this pic.

Stephen & I can not believe how fast time has flown by with her and how fast Stella is growing.

I guess I have a lot of updating to do since I have just gotten around to updating this blog.

Stella is doing wonderful. My recovery from the c-section has been a lot easier than I had anticipated. I often found myself doing things I probably should not have been doing and then paying the price later. But i viewed that as a blessing.

She has big blue eyes that make your heart melt. If you compare mine & Stephen's baby pictures she looks a lot like me right now. She is gaining weight like she should, which is good because my appetite has not stayed up like I thought it would when I was pregnant, so I have been a little anxious about it. I had her weighed on the Feb 17th and she was 6lbs 11 oz. I am sure she is up to 7 lbs by now, the girl is getting heavy to carry around! lol! (I often wonder what life would be like with a 7 or 8 lb baby from the start, HA)

When we brought her home from the hospital we had to supplement her with formula, every two hours, which was pretty rough. Something did not feel right about having to wake a baby to feed her, but doctors orders. However, everything has been going pretty good since my milk came in a day after we arrived home.

We have only had one really bad night and a few bad days. I have just now gotten the hang of her different cries... maybe. She usually only fusses when she is hungry or needs to burp. I have to say, the girl is a tooter and it is quite amusing. (atleast we think so).

Because she is so small, we have had a hard time finding clothes that fit her. She is just starting to look like she actually fits in to her outfits. Anything 0-3 months is still too big right now, but I have a feeling it won't be too long before she can fit in them.

We have ventured out several times and have been out to eat with her at least 4 times, she is a champ and usually sleeps through the whole thing. She also likes to go to Sam's in her stroller, that place just sacks her out. I took her up to Stephen's office for a shower they hosted for us and he was such a proud daddy. It was too cute. We also finally made it to church last week, I don't like going a long time without going to church.

Here are more pictures of our angel...